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Bal Education Trust

Bal Education Trust is a registered non-profit organisation based in Vapi, Gujarat that was established in 2013. The trust’s primary objective is to provide affordable and quality education to the children of underprivileged families in the city. The trust runs a preschool chain that are accessible to children from all socio-economic backgrounds. The trust has gained National Recognition for its efforts in promoting education and conducts various educational events across the country. Bal Education Trust is committed to making a significant impact on the lives of children by empowering them with education and life skills. The trust’s dedication to improving the education system in India has earned it a reputation as a credible and reliable organisation.

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From the Founder’s Desk

Sunita Vyas
Founder & Director- Bal Education Trust

Bal Education Trust is an organisation that is dedicated to providing accessible and affordable education to children from all socio-economic backgrounds. Our vision is to empower young minds to realise their full potential through education and life skills training.

Since our establishment in 2013, we have been working tirelessly to achieve our goals with the support of our partners, volunteers, and staff. Our commitment to providing education and skills training is aimed at building a better future for all children, irrespective of their socio-economic background. We believe that every child deserves an equal opportunity to learn and grow, and we are dedicated to making that a reality.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who has supported our cause, and I hope that you will continue to support us in our mission towards creating a brighter future for all children.

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